Corkscrew Boar

Link to Corkscrew Boar's "Greatest Hits" album:
Corkscrew Boar Album Cover jpeg 01

Photography by Amber
Background image, "The Omega Nebula" - courtesy

Other Music, in no particular order

Los Habaneros - Surf rock

Talos IV (mp3)- 2011

24th Century Reverb (Zip) - 2009

Liars of Local Interest - 14 Places

Mother Kali - July 19th 2003

DeWayn & Loco Macheen - Sep 22nd 2012

Choad's 2nd album, "Smell the Love"
Choad - "Smell the Love" - MP3 Page
Choad - "Smell the Love" - FLAC page

Their first album, "It's All Over Now" is available via CDBaby, Napster, Spotify, iTunes, etc.

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